Call for Research Proposals-Climate Change

University of Hargeisa

Center for Research, Publications and Community Service

Call for Research Proposals-Climate Change

Academic Year 2023/2024

The Directorate of Research, Publications, and Community Services at the University of Hargeisa is delighted to announce the acceptance of research proposals for the academic year 2023/2024. We are inviting proposals that address critical issues related to climate change, encouraging multidisciplinary approaches and contributing to the advancement of knowledge across various fields. Grants up to 1500 USD are available, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Denmark through the Danida Fellowship Center, under the Building Stronger Universities IV (BSU-1V) project.

Proposals will be evaluated based on their relevance, scientific merit, and the researcher’s prior publishing experience. Accepted proposals will undergo a budget review to determine the awarded grant amount. Researchers are encouraged to submit proposals aligned with the following thematic areas:

Thematic Areas

Climate Change and Public Health: Effects of climate change on health outcomes (heat-related illnesses, respiratory conditions). Adaptation strategies and health system responses to climate-induced health challenges.

Environmental Sustainability and Conservation: Research on sustainable practices for resource management and environmental conservation. Impact assessments of climate change on ecosystems, biodiversity, and natural resources.

Agriculture and Food Security: Impact of climate change on agricultural productivity, food security, and nutritional quality. Strategies for enhancing agricultural resilience and sustainable food systems

Climate Change Policy and Governance: Evaluation of existing climate change policies and their effectiveness. Development of governance frameworks for effective climate change mitigation and adaptation. Renewable Energy and

Technological Innovations: Advancements in renewable energy technologies and their role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Innovative solutions and technologies for enhancing climate resilience.

Socioeconomic Impacts of Climate Change: Analysis of the economic and social impacts of climate change, including its effects on poverty and inequality. Strategies for mitigating the adverse socioeconomic consequences of climate change.

Climate Change Education and Awareness: Initiatives to improve public understanding and awareness of climate change issues. Evaluation of educational programs and their effectiveness in fostering climate action.

Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction: Assessment of climate change impacts on disaster risk and management. Strategies for enhancing community resilience and disaster preparedness in the face of climate change. Climate

Change and Human Migration: Influence of climate change on migration patterns and displacement. Socioeconomic impacts of climate-induced migration and strategies for managing migration flows.

Climate Change and Water Resources: Effects of climate change on water availability, quality, and distribution. Adaptation strategies for managing water resources under changing climate conditions.


Grant Application Requirements

To apply for the grant, please adhere to the following requirements:

Submit the following documents via email to with the heading UoH call for Proposals-Climate change, 2024:

  • Word file of full proposal maximum 8-10 pages containing cover page with researchers’ details, Background, Objectives or aims of the study, research questions or hypothesis (optional), Methodology, References, Annexes with Data collection instruments and a detailed Line-item Budget
  • Endorsement letter from the unit head, institute director, or dean of the academic unit at the University of Hargeisa
  • Please ensure your application is submitted on or before 15th August 2024.