College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Our Vision

The College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine aims at becoming a modern contemporary center for undergraduate studies, scientific research and trainings, and preparing specialists in the field of agriculture and veterinary medicine.

Our Mission

The college aims at becoming a referring point for the rural and agriculture development projects, and directly contribute to the agricultural and livestock development of the country.


College of Agriculture and veterinary medicine is comprised of two major streams 1. Veterinary medicine and 2. Agriculture.
The faculty of Agriculture was established in 2009 while the commencement of the faculty of veterinary medicine was in 2012. 

The Veterinary medicine and Agriculture education have been designed for 5- and 4-year programs respectively.

The curriculum for the faculties was lastly updated and reviewed in 2019 in line with the context of a developing country like Somaliland. Many sophisticated laboratory-based courses are included in both programs to equip the students with technical know-how and skill in the animal and agriculture sector.

Why do you need to study at our College? 

Food security is a major global concern now and any government is responsible of maintaining the food security of its population. Agriculture and Livestock is an important economic activity in Somaliland and not only in terms of meeting the needs of the population but also in terms of generating income through crop sales and livestock exportation. This College helps you in maximizing the output of food and livestock production in the most efficient way.