College of Computing & Information Technology

College of Computing & Information Technology

Our Vision

To be the front runner in Computer Science and IT and to foster the students into globally competent professionals with expertise in software development, networking and aptitude for research and ethical values.

Our Mission

To provide quality undergraduate in computer science and IT so as to prepare our graduates to compete in the job market and to contribute to the economic, scientific, and social development of the Nation.


The college of computing and IT is established in 2007 and now offers two undergraduate programs namely as

  1. Computer Science
  2. Information Technology

The college promotes excellence in teaching, scholarly activity, creative endeavors, and public service. The curriculum is grounded in the fundamental principles of computing and IT and will prepare students to apply these principles creatively and responsibly with a high degree of professionalism and a clear understanding of ethical and legal issues in computer science and IT.

The College utilizes available resources to impart state-of-the-art technical knowledge, develop students’ verbal and written communication skills, and instill a desire to pursue lifelong learning.