College of Engineering

College of Engineering

Our Vision

The College of Engineering envisions to be the highest quality Engineering College in the east of Africa equipped with modern and latest technology for research, computational methods, and experimentation.

Our Mission

The mission of the College of Engineering is to prepare students to become future engineers and engineering leaders, and conducts basic and applied research which has societal positive impact.


The College of Engineering is focused on educating the next generation of engineers to prepare societal leaders with strong scientific and technical skills combined with an ethical and moral outlook to impact academia, business, government and/or the non-profit sector.  Through discovery of new knowledge and its application we tackle global challenge problems, and create opportunities through innovation and entrepreneurship. We do this with a deep commitment to excellence, demonstrated meritocracy, transparency, inclusiveness, and diversity 

We offer different engineering programs at a bachelor levels, namely as

  1. Civil Engineering
  2. Electric and Electronics Engineering
  3. Telecommunications Engineering
  4. Architecture and Urban Planning

We educate students to be leaders in development so we provide an academic portfolio through the disciplines of engineering to engage them in envisioning learning excellence, research exploration and then finally specialized technical areas that are of a great demand and needed by the industry to serve our nation—Somaliland—and the global community.

Professional engineers equipped with most advanced knowledge and good ethics Engineers are needed more than ever here in Somaliland! Therefore, we focus our effort on preparing engineering professionals to face contemporary engineering challenges that are currently prevailing the world in general and particularly in our country, so in order to face to challenges and many others we come up with solutions to make matters better through smart, sustainable solutions that are created and implemented with knowledge, ethics, passion and compassion.